

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


LARGE ANEURYSM OF THE VERTEBRO-BASILAR SYSTEM:REPORT OF A CASE AND DIAGNOSTIC REVIEW OF THE CASES IN LITERATURES Masahisa Matsumoto 1 , Noriko Miura 1 , Toshiaki Takizawa 1 , Tsuguo Yasuma 2 , Hideaki Masuzawa 3 , Yasushi Tsukamoto 3 , Keizo Hashizume 3 1Department of Neurological Surgery, Central Hospital of J.N.R. 2Department of Pathology, Central Hospital of J.N.R. 3Department of Neurological Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo University pp.457-469
Published Date 1971/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202893
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A 60-year-old house wife with a large aneurysm of the vertebro-basilar junction is reported. Her clinical symptoms and signs had developed in re-latively chronic course. At the time of admission neurological examination revealed drowsy state, thethird, fourth & sixth right cranial nerve lesions, the fifth to twelfth left cranial nerve lesions, spastic tetraparesis and questionable left sided sensory impairment. The bilateral vertebral angiograms showed tortuous diffuse ectasia of the vertebro-basilar system. Pneumoencephalography could not performed because of the progressively deteriorated condition.

At post-mortem there was a large aneurysm of the vertebro-basilar junction measuring 4. 9 x 3. 4 x 3. 0 cm which appeared like a saccular aneurysm, however it was considered a sort of the sclerotic fusiform aneurysm.

With regard to the diagnosis we have reviewed 44 cases published in literatures including the present case which were reported as a large aneurysm or a space-taking lesion. In many cases headache, especially suboccipital headache and nuchal pain is complained. Some cases show nuchal stiffness or rigidity even without the subarachnoidal bleeding. Some headache is described as episodic, and another as vascular type. In some cases headache is ag-gravated or precipitated by change in position of the head and neck, coughing and straining. Lesion of the third to the twelfth cranial nerve is fre-quently encountered. Bilatereal motor tract signs, usually worse on one side, have been reported more frequently than sensory impairment. This tendency is remarkable in case of the aneurysms of the basilar trunk and the vertebro-basilar junction. Vague cerebellar signs and symptoms which are for example equilibratory disturbance like unsteady gait etc. are not uncommonly encountered. As to the aneurysms of the terminal basilar artery psy-chiatric signs are more frequently observed. In the clinical course many cases show remmision. In many cases the moderate hydrocephalus has been observed, however papilledema is relatively rare. Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid often reveals albuminocytologic dissociation.

As a rule the diagnosis is confirmed by bilateral vertebral angiography. Angiographical findings of the present case has been considered exceptional. Air study is significant to get the information as to hydrocephalus, size of the lesion and shape. Also it is possible to estimate the thickness of thrombus by compairing encephalographical figure of the lesion with angiographical one. However the air study is apt to be accompanied with some risk.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


