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一方,悪性脳腫瘍の治療に放射線増感剤として5-bro—mo-2’-deoxyuridine (BUdR)とantimetaboliteを動注しながら放射線治療を行なうBAR (BUdR-Antime—tabolite-Radiation)療法は佐野,星野,永井1)〜7)により開発されて以来,脳腫瘍特に悪性gliomaの治療成績を著しく向上させたと報告されている8)9)。
Intrathecal BAR (BUdR-Antimetabolite-Radia-tion) therapy was applied to 21 cases of malignant brain tumors (pineoblastoma 2, pinealoma 2, ectopic pinealoma 2, unverified 3rd ventricular tumor 2, glioblastoma 1, oligodendro-ependymoma 1, menin-gosarcoma 1, retinoblastoma 1 and metastatic cancer 7 cases). Ficon tube (2 mm outer diameter) wasinserted either intraventricle or in local dead space of the tumor removed. (1) Bromouridine (BUdR), 50-150 mg/d as radiosensitizer, (2) Methotrexate, 0.3-1.5 mg/d or Mitomycin C, 0.3-0.5 mg/d as chemotherapeutic drug and (3) Dextran sulfate-lysosome labilizer-(MDS), 50-150 mg/d for intensi-fying the tumoricydal effect of chemotherapeutic drugs were combined and disolved in saline. Con-tinuous intrathecal infusion was carried out by using portable chronofuser for 2 to 6 weeks ac-companied with radiation therapy (ultra-high vol-tage X-ray). Effects of the therapy was evaluated by clinial improvements X-rav examinations orany other possible examinations. Long term survi-val was evaluated espescially on the basis of pos-sibility of normal social life of the patients. Among 21 cases, 14 were quite effective, a case of medul-loblastoma showed no effect and 6 other cases can not be fully evaluated the effectiveness at the moment. The merits of this intrathecal BAR therapy are safety and easiness of the treatment, compared to the intraarterial BAR therapy. The indication of the method is for intraventricular, multiple and disseminated tumors.

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