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carotid basilar anastomosisとしてはprimitivetrigeminal artery, primitive otic artery, primitivehypoglossal arteryの3種類がある。primitivetrigeminal arteryは剖検例では1844年Quain10)の報告があり,脳血管撮影においては1950年Sutton12)が記載して以来多くの報告がある。その脳血管撮影における頻度は0.1〜0.2%である。primitive otic arteryは非常にまれな血管でAltmann1),Krayenbuhl andYasargil5),Widenmann and Hipp13)の3例を見るにすぎない。この内,脳血管撮影で明確にprimitive oticarteryが認められたのは,Krayenbuhl and Yasargilの側面像フィルム1枚のみであり現在までの長い間,各方向よりの脳血管写が期待されていた。
A woman aged 28, had a subarachnoidal hemor-rhage with severe headache, dizzyness, nausea andvomiting. She had been admitted to a certainhospital, where the CSF fluid was found to bebloodstained on the third day from her subara-chnoidal hemorrhage. 4 months after her attackofhemorrhageshewasadmittedtoourclinicforexact examination. On neurological examination,horizontal nystagmus and slight hyperreflexia inthe upper limbs were noted. The EEG while shewas awake showed low voltage fast pattern.
Findings of cerebral angiograms were as follows:
1. Left primitive otic artery
2. Right primitive trlgeminal artery
3. Occlusion of left internal carotid artery
4. Bilateral occlusion of vertebral artery
5. Angiomatous malformation in the skull base
6. Arteriovenous malformation of great vein ofGalen supplied by posterior meningeal artery
7. Extracranial vertebral aneurysm
8. Blood supply to the basilar artery by way oflarge anterior spinal artery from right vertebralartery

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