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PATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF FOUR CASES WITH TUMOR IN THE REGION OF THE PINEAL BODY Kiyohide Komatsu 1 , Hideo Hiratsuka 1 , Yutaka Inaba 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University pp.917-926
Published Date 1971/8/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202951
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Tumors of the pineal region present a variety of clinical features and their pathogenesis and classi-fication are the subjects of considerable controversy. Four such ceses are reported here clinically and pathologically.

Case 1. A 25 year old male was admitted with chief complaints of double vision and vomiting. At autopsy, egg-sized tumor was found in the epiphysial region with diffuse infiltration to all the ventricular system and subarachnoid space. Microscopically, the tumor consists of a population of 2 cell types a large pale spheroidal or cuboidal cell and a smaller dense cell indistinguishable from a lymphocyte. Proliferation of connective tissue is prominent.Mitosis is frequent. Small cells are found especially along the connective tissue trabeculae and perivas-cular areas.

Case 2. A 19 year old male with diplopia and headache died 7 days after partial resection of tumor in the pineal region. At autopsy, tumor was found in the pineal region extending to the middle of the third ventricle. Microscopically, tumor consists of two cell types with relatively small number of small cells. Mitosis is moderate. Same type of tumor was found in the infundibular stalk.

Case 3. A 6 year old boy died two days after evacuation of cystic content from the tumor in the third ventricle. At autopsy, large cystic tumor was found in the epiphysial region and third ventricle. Microscopic examination revealed mature teratoma with portions of tumor with two cell types as seen in cases 1 and 2.

Case 4. A 19 year old male showed polydipsia and polyuria. At autopsy, tumor occupied the anterior two third of the third ventricle. Micro-scopically, immature teratoma with portions of embryonal carcinoma and choriocarcinoma was noted. Tumor with two cell types as seen in the above cases was also found in the pineal region, infundibular stalk and posterior lobe of pituitary gland.

Tumor consisting of two cell types shows close resemblance to seminoma as pointed out by D. S. Russel and N. B. Friedman. Our observation on 4 cases reveals two cases with pure seminoma, one with mature teratoma and seminoma and one with immatureteratoma, embryonal carcinoma, choriocar-cinoma and seminoma Pathological study of tumors showing seminomas in the pineal region seems to support the view that they are of germ cell origin.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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