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Persistent primitive hypoglossal artery(PHA)はBatujeffらが剖検例で初めて報告して以来2),155例が報告されている9).そのなかで,脳動脈瘤との合併は40例余りで9,19),PHA自体に脳動脈瘤が発生したものは現在までに13例しか報告されていない2-5,8-10,13,15-19).われわれは,頭痛と意識消失発作の精査で発見されたPHA aneurysmの1例を経験し,3D-CTA, perspective 3D-CTA(頭蓋外から病変を透視できるようにした再合成画像)およびMRI再構成画像が術前検討で有用であったため,文献的考察を含め報告する.
The aneurysm arising from a persistent primitive hypoglossal artery (PHA) is rare, and only 13 suchcases have been reported in literature.
We present a 62-year-old woman with an aneurysm of PHA at its junction with the basilar artery. Thepatient consulted our hospital for a transient loss of consciousness and headaches. No neurological deficitwas found, but MRI and MRA showed an aneurysm of the vertebrobasilar junction. Cerebral angiogramafter admission showed the aneurysm of PHA at its junction with the basilar artery. Perspective 3D-CTAand 3D-T2 weighted MR images were composed to simulate the condition and aneurysmal surgery via thetranscondylar approach was carried out. The aneurysm was successfully clipped and the patient was dis-charged with no neurological deficits.
Perspective 3 D-CTA and MRI simulation were very useful for this operation.

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