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眼窩内腫瘍のうち,Intracranial extensionの疑われるものは勿論のこと,眼窩内に限局する場合でも,眼窩内側あるいは上部および先端部附近に腫瘍が存在する場合,出来るだけ眼球を保存し,腫瘍を摘出するためには,眼科医と脳神経外科医が協力して経前頭開頭術を行なうことがのぞましい。
Primary intraorbital meningioma is relatively rare tumor. Three cases of primary intraorbital menin-gioma were reported. The first case was a 40 year old women with complaints of exophthalmos in the right eye. The second was a 70 year old woman admitted with complaints of visual disturbance, ex-ophthalmos and orbital pain in the left eye. The third, a 9 year old girl with complaints of exoph-thalomos in the right eye. All of 3 cases were operated and verified microscopically as typical meningiomas.
The forty three cases of the intraorbital menin-giomas reported in literature were reviewed and divided into three groups as following ;
Group 1: intramuscle cone type (65%)
Group 2: intraoptic foramen type (12%)
Group 3 : extramuscle cone type (23%)
Each group showed their own clinical picture but the clinical course did not always show typical one except Group 1 which usually preceded visual disturbance following exophthalmos.
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