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さてQuinke (1895), Nonne (1904)13)により提唱された偽脳腫瘍(Pseudotumor cerebri)という名称は臨床上きわめて便利であり,以来諸家2)3)7)8)11)17)によりしばしば用いられているが,あくまでも臨床上の概念であるために病因論的には明確なる定義はない。ここで従来の報告を整理してみると,おおよそ2つの群に大別できる。第1の範疇は頭蓋内圧亢進のみで脳の局在神経症状を欠き,脳室系にも異常なくさらに髄液の所見も正常である症例を対象としたものである。この群に属する症例としてNonneはくも膜炎症の遺残による頭蓋内圧充進症を提唱し,その後多くの病因があげられている。第2の範疇は,単に頭蓋内圧亢進症状のみではなく脳の局在神経症状を伴つたものを含めて報告している。たとえば,Kroll9)は偽脳腫瘍として外傷性脳内嚢胞や動脈硬化性脳内血腫症例をも含めて報告している。
Three cases of so-called Pseudotumor cerebri were reported.
Case 1. a 41 years old woman with complaints of severe headache, vomitting and vertigo was ad-mitted in our clinic with a suspicion of brain tumor. The funduscopic examination revealed bilateral pa-pilloedema. The neurologic examination presented paresis of left facial nerve and left plantal reflex. The right carotid angiography showed the space-occupying lesion in fronto-parieto-temporal region, and glioma was suspected. However, tumor or tumor like tissue could not be found at operation and only some biopsies were taken. Histological findings of the specimen were inflammatory. It was thought that this case might belong to a case of acute local-ized nonsuppurative encephalitis.
Case 2. a 12 years old girl admitted with com-plaints of right homonymous hemianopsia and Gers-tmann's syndrom. Left carotid angiography and vertebral angiography showed the space-occupying lesion in parieto-occipital region. Craniotomy could not present any neoplasms but only localized edema. Histological findings presented cerebral infarction.
Case 3. a 31 years old woman admitted with complaints of fever, vertigo, severe headache, nausea and vomitting. After several days fever falled but headache and vomitting increased. Two months after onset of disease she had left hemiparesis, dy-sorientation and urinary incontinence. Right carotid angiography showed the space-occupying lesion in fronto-parietal region, and abscess or neoplasma was suspected. She dead soon after angiography. Au-topsy findings presented cerebral infarction in fronto-parietal region with diffuse subacute meningoence-phalitis.

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