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A CLINICAL STUDY OF PAPILLEDEMA IN NEUROSURGERY Syoji Bito 1 , Saburo Sakaki 1 1Department of Neurosurgery, Koseinenkin Hospital pp.1527-1535
Published Date 1971/12/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203031
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The clinical course of papilledema was studied in the series of 102 cases with pathological ocular fundus such as papilledema or preretinal hemor-rhage, including 38 cases of brain tumor, 15 cases of metastatic brain tumor, 27 cases of head injury, 13 cases of chronic subdural hematoma, 6 cases of brain hemorrhage and 3 cases of subarachnoidal hemorrhage. In brain tumor, the fundus showed papilledema one or two months after headache be-came apparent. The grade of papilledema was middle in more than one half of the cases and progressive but became high grade in some. In metastatic brain tumor, papilledilledema was seen within two weeks to one month, and was high grade and markedly progressive. In subdural hematoma, papilledemabecame apparent in about two weeks but was low grade and not progressive. In head injury, brain hemorrhage and subarachnoidal hemorrhage, papil-ledema or preretinal hemorrhage occurred with great rapidity in several hours, but was low grade and not progrssive even in the most severe case.

After surgery such as excision of brain tumor, ventricural drainage or ventricural atrial shunt, papilledema decreased and disappeared between 5 and 95 days (within 40 days in 60% of brain tumor). In metastatic brain tumor, the course was progres-sive and atrophy of the papilla develoyed even after decompression and reduction of increased in-tracranial pressure. In subdural hematoma, papil-ledema disappeared in 20 to 40 days after elimina-tion of the hematoma. In head injury it decreased and disappeared in 10 to 20. In one case of brain hemorrhage and two cases of subarachnoidal hemor-rhage, papilledema decreased and disappeared in 10, 20 and 70 days, respectively.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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