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Topometric study of the normal cerebral phle-bograms was made, using about 120 normal phle-bograms with good filling of the deep cerebral veins which came from only the patients over the ages of twenty. All of these cerebral phlebograms used in this study were interpreted as being normal, since the history, neurologic and ophthalmological exa-mination, C. S. F. study, electroencephalographic examination and subsequent follow up have failed to reveal any intracranial organic lesions.
The angiographic measurements of the position and the configuration of the venous angle, the in-ternal cerebral vein, the cerebral basal vein and the great vein of Galen were statistically analysed in both the lateral and the antero-posterior view, to establish the normal limits of the position and the configuration of the deep cerebral veins.
The cranial landmarks and basic lines used for measurement were illustrated in Figure 1 in the lateral and in Figure 2 in antero-posterior view.
Lateral view ; The two basic lines were drawn, one the line endobregma-basion, the other the line endolambdo-junction point of the anterior leg of the basal angle with inner table of the skull.
The venous angle lie within a circle 3. 9 mm in diameter which has center in cross point of the two basic lines.
The distances from the parietal inner table of the skull to the venous angle, to the midpoint of the internal cerebral vein and to the most proximal point of the great vein of Galen are 46. 4 ±2%, 45. 5±2. 3% and 54. 5±1. 7% of the distance of the supero-inferior line of the skull respectively.
The distances from the parietal inner table of the skull to the most anterior point of the basal vein and to the midpoint of the basal vein are 62. 8 ± 2. 5% and 62. 1 ± 2. 2% of the distance of the supero-inferior line of the skull.
The distance from the internal cerebral vein to the basal vein is 24. 3±3. 0 mm at its most anterior portion and at the midpoint.
Antero-posterior view ;
The distance from the tip of the thalamostriate vein to the midline of the skull is 27. 2±2. 4% of the horizontal distance from the midline to the outer surface of the skull.
The venous angle is normaly situated at a distance of 1 mm from the midline.
The distance from the midline to the most lateral point and to the most medial point of the basal vein are 30. 7±2. 5% and 18. 8±2. 4% respectively.
The deep cerebral venous system was less var-able than the other cerebral vessels in its position iand configuration. It could be statistically proved that there were intimate correlation between the shape of the skull and the position and the con-figuration of the median and paramedian running vessels.

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