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組織内に沈着した重金属の組織化学的証明法の一つにTimm (1958)により発表された硫化銀法がある4)。この方法により,ヒトや実験動物の有機水銀中毒の際にも,それらの中枢神経や肝,腎などに有機水銀中毒例に特異的と考えられる多量の黒色顆粒が検出されることが報告されている3)4)。
Timm's silver sulfate method for histochemical detection of the heavy metals in tissue was partially modified and successfully applied to the light and electron microscopic histochemical study of human and experimental organic mercury intoxication.
For the light microscopic examination, sections from the tissue slice pretreated with H2S-saturated 95% alcohol were incubated in the developer in the "dark room " and the excess of the reagent was washed out before exposure to light. The H2S-alcohol and the developer were prepared by the method previously modified by Oyake et al but gum arabic was not added to the developer. By the in-cubation in the " dark room ", unfavorite brown discoloration of the back ground substance was avoided. Consequently, the prolongation of the reac-tion time became possible in cases where the detec-tion of the heavy metal was difficult. Elimination of the gum arabic from the original developer re-duced the contamination of the slide without any significant change in the distribution of the granules in the tissue (Compare Fig. A-C with Fig. D).
For the electron microscopic study, a 50μ frozen section was immersed in the developer for the ade-quate time and then exposed to light before embed-ding in the epoxy resin. A 1μ section stained with toluidine blue demonstrated fine granules (Fig. E) correspond to ones in paraffin embedded specimens (Fig. A-D). The granules were observed on the ultrathin section by electron microscope (Fig. F).

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.