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脳動静脈奇形の脳循環に及ぼす影響すなわちreladveischemia38)による症状としてあげられるのが精神症状であるが,この精神症状に関してはその程度について種々の報告がある19)52)。本疾患の50%に精神症状を認めるもの35),10%とするもの28),また特に精神症状というほどのものでなく,"not quite so good in the office","gett—ing a bit soft"などという程度に表現するもの39)などである。てんかんに対する外科的療法の効果についても決定的なことはいえない32)36)。
Twenty cases of cerebral arteriovenous malforma-tions were treated by artificial embolization, in thir-teen cases of which spheroids of barium sulfate covered with silicon rubber were used as emboli. Seven cases were treated by the embolization method, using a liquid plastic (dimethylpolysiloxane) an em-bolus.
Two cases were lost by postoperative cerebral softening. Others had favorable postoperative cour-se. Out of eighteen cases, angiograms after em-bolization showed lesions to have disappeared or markedly diminished in four cases and slightly di-minished in fourteen cases.
Technical details of embolization method were presented and therapeutic value of this procedure was discussed according to the clinical experience of twenty cases of supratentoria arteriovenous mal-formations.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.