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従来,核黄疸は血液不適合による新生児溶血性疾患の,場合にのみ併発すると考えられていたが,1937年Gunnによつて偶然発見されたGunn ratにおける核黄疸の発症についてMallory,Lowensteinにより,その発症機序としてビリルビン排泄能力に障害があることが見出され,さらにJohnson3)らによリビリルビンのグルクロン酸抱合を行なうGlucuronyl-transferaseの先天的欠陥のあることが明らかにされた。
Experimental studies were conducted in the preg-ant rats of Wlistar strain through clamping of uterine vessels causing hypoxia in the fetus in order to pro-duce kernicterus. Extremely interesting findings were obtained.
1) Through the specific method of staining using Fouchet's reagent, the biliruhin which has entered the nerve cells was histochemically disinctly demon-strated.
2) After causing hypoxia in the fetus, bilirubin solution was intraperitoneally injected in the fetus in order to produce kernicterus.
3) Adrenochrome and hyaluronidase related to vas-cular permeability was used in the experiment of prenatal kernicterus. In the group given adreno-chrome, development of experimental kernicterus was prevented even after induction of hypoxia in the fetus. On the other hand, in the group given hyaluronidase, kernicterus was readily induced even without hypoxia. From these facts, vascular perme-ability or blood brain barrier appears to play an im-portant role in the development of kernicterus.

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