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A case of ectopic pinealoma with a peculiar course was reported. A 14 year-old boy. Prior one year and three months of his admission, he had the initial symptome, motor disturbance of the right lower extremity. Cerebral arteriographies and air studies revealed atrophy of the left cerebral hemis-phere. Exploratory craniotomy was performed and then hemiatrophy of the left cerebrum and capsule of the subdural heamatoma were found. Six months after the operation, because of the symptomes of in-creased intracranial pressure, re-craniotomy was per-formed. At operation an over-man's-fist sized tumor was found at the left temporo-occipital lobe, and sub-totally extirpated.
The tumor was characterized histologically by the so-called one cell pattern which consisted of the large tumor cell only.
Post-oparative radiation (60Co total dosis of 4750 R) was performed, and right hemiparesis was markedly improved.
One and a half year after the re-oparation, there is no sign of recurrence and he is enjoying his life. The relation between the ectopic pinealom, the right hemiparesis, the left cerebral hemiatrophy and the subdural heamatoma was discussed.

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