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低血糖症によりもうろう状態,昏睡,痙攣発作などの精神神経症状を呈する症例については,これまでに多くの報告がなされており,精神神経科,脳神経外科領域では,日常の診療において,常に考慮されていなければならないものの一つである。特にてんかんとの鑑別が問題とされている9)。その病因の多くは膵臓ランゲルハンス氏島腺腫,癌腫1)および肝癌,肝硬変などの重症肝障害などによるものである8)。 ところが最近欧米において低血糖症を伴う巨大な膵臓外腫瘍が報告され5),注目されてきている。わが国においても織田6),高岡他8),川島他3),常松他11),鳥辺他10), らによる報告がなされている。今度私どもも,左胸腔内の巨大線維腫の手術後,低血糖症の発作が完全に消失した症例を経験したので報告する。
A 56-year-old Japanese male had episodically ex-hibited a variety of symptoms including disturbances of consciousness ranging from twilignt state to sud-den onset of coma and, at times, generalized convul-sive seizure. It was soon noticed that these symptoms take place exclusively in early morning and are readily removed by the injection of hypertonic glucose solution. Blood glucose content during at-tack was 8 to 30 mg/dl. Clinical and laboratory examinations revealed no particular abnormalities other than a large tumor-like shadow on X-ray picture at the left, lower part of the thorax.
A surgical operation was performed just one month after the first onset of the symptoms. The pancreas and other organs were found apparently intact and, instead, a giant tumor, 18×20×8cm in size and 1,150 gr. in weight, developing from the dorsal surface of the left pleura at the level of the 6 th intercostal space was discovered. Histologically, it was recognized as a fibrom. The patient has corn-letely been free from any troubles since the extir-pation of the tumor.

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