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TWO CASES OF "SO-CALLED RETICULUM CELL SARCOMA" (RETICULOSIS) IN THE BRAIN Shizuo MIYAKE 1 , Yoshihiro ISHIHARA 1 , Kazuo MORIYASU 1 , Masaru MINE 2 , Mitsuo TOYAMA 2 , Seishi FUKUMA 2 , Masakazu IKEDA 2 1Dept. of Pathology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 2Ist Dept. of Surgery, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine pp.1153-1159
Published Date 1967/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202311
  • Abstract
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Two cases of "so-called reticulum cell sarcoma" of the brain were presented in detail, although the precise understanding of this tumor group is still controversial. A man of the first case (31-y-o. male) has been perfectly well for more than three years postoperatively. The material of the second case (78-y-o. male) was obtained from the autopsy of non-diagnosed case. Summarizing the literatures in short the criterion of the diagnosis of these tumors depends on the morphological metalophilicity to silver carbonate of parenchymal cells, with orwithout reticuline fibers ; tumor components having metalophilicity are described as microgliomata, while those having no metalophilicity but reticuline fibers, as reticulum cell sarcoma. The authers suggest from other point of view that the perivascular in the brain are the origin of these tumors, merely in the meaning of localization (perivascular space), but histogenetically these cells are thought to be monocytic reticular components. Since generally the correlation of the reticulum cells in the brain to reticuloendothelial system of the other parts of the body is not comprehensively understood, the brain tumor arising from the perivascular space is designated as reticulosis better than microgliomata. The other reason why these tumors are said as reticulosis, is based on the experimental grounds of autoradiographic findings presented by Konigsmark and Sidman (J. Neuropath. Exper. Neurol., 22: 643, 1963).

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


