

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


ON THE ANTIEPILEPTIC ACTIVITIES OF A NEW COMPOUND ETHYL α-PHENYL BUTYROYL ALLOPHANATE Shuji Taen 1 , Yoko Goto 1 , Susumu Arai 1 , Kazue Sekiba 1 , Tetsuya Otsubo 1 1Dept. of Neuropsychiatry, Faculty of Medicine Univ. of Tokyo pp.74-80
Published Date 1964/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201596
  • Abstract
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In a series of research in seeking a safer and stronger substance in the straight-chain compounds which are probably effective for psychomotor epilepsy, we have known that Ethyl α-phenyl butyroyl allophanate has strong anticonvulsant properties in animal experiments.

The chemical structure of this compound is quite similar to that of Pheneturide, except that it has a ethoxy-carbo-radical on it's N-atom at the end opposite to phenyl-radical, and thus shows the structure of urethane at it's one end.

After confirming the low toxicity of the compound on animals, we have tried this new drug on 25 chronic epileptics with various seizure types, mainly psychomotor type, who have been refractory to all conventional an-tiepileptics hitherto administered.

From our clinical experiences we have known that this compound has a remarkable effec-tiveness for psychomotor seizures (effective in 60 %), whereas it's anticonvulsant activity against grand mal epilepsies was not so suf-ficient.

Side-effects such as gastrointestinal distur-bances or restlessness were observed, but they were slighter than those of Phenurone in comparison and disappeared soon after withdrawal: on the other hand, the incidence of neurotoxic symptoms such as ataxia see-med frequent.

We surmise, that characteristics of this new compound both in effectiveness and side-effects are closely related to it's chemical structure; i. e. the introduction of a ethoxy-carbo-radical on it's N-moiety seems to have strengthened the original action of a compound of this series.

We believe, therefore, that the introduction of a ethoxycarbo-radical into the antiepileptic substances is a prospective means of improv-ing their activities.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


