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AN ANALYSIS OF CENTRAL ACTING DRUGS USING ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS:ASSOCIATION AND DISSOCIATION BETWEEN EEG AND BEHAVIOR Ken-ichi Yamamoto 1 , Ryonosuke Kido 1 1Divison of Neuropharmacology, Shionogi Research Laboratory pp.44-56
Published Date 1964/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201592
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Electroencephalographic and behavioral ana-lysis of CNS acting drugs in cats, dogs and monkeys were described.

1) Differences of EEG patterns between acute and chronic animals: There is no essen-tial differences of the normal EEG patterns between acute and chronic animals, but deep sleep patterns and activated sleep patterns were not seen in acute animals. These dif-ferences of EEG patterns due to differences in experimental conditions were also obser-ved after administration of some CNS acting drugs. For instance, after administration of morphine slow waves and spindle bursts were continuously seen in the acute cat, while de-synchronization patterns are lasting in chro-nic animals. These findings show the danger of misunderstanding consciousness levels if only acute EEG patterns are used as the criteria for judgement.

2) Differences of electroencephalographic and behavioral responses due to species pe-culiarity of animals: After administration of reserpine, meprobamate and barbiturates, differences of EEG and behavior among cats, dogs and monkeys were not observed. How-ever, "rage-like behavior" due to administra-tion of chlorpromazine is only seen in cats. Also, after administration of morphine, cats show continuous arousal, dogs show narcosis, and monkeys show intermediate responses between cats and dogs; both in electrogra-phically and behaviorally.

3) Dissociations between EEG and beha-vior: After stimulation or the causing of lisi-ons of the mesencephalic reticular formation or the posterior hypothalamus, the same tendency is seen in the electrographical and behavioral responses. Both in activated sleep and in cases with reticular lesions at the caudal brain stem, the animal shows a sleep-like posture, while the EEG shows activation-like patterns. This dissociation between EEG and behavior is also observed after administra-tion of some CNS depressants. For example, chlorpomazine elevated the stimulation thre-shold of EEG activation both in the hypo-thalamic activating system and the central gray matter; on the contrary, sham rage and hissing caused by the same stimulations are not changed by the drugs, Also meprobamate only elevated the stimulation threshold of the reticular activating system, while sham rage and olfactory response are inhibited by the drug. Furthermore, dissociation such as seen in atropine treatment and in ether anes-thesia indicates the necessity of simultaneous observations on both EEG and behavior.

4) Polygraphy: Close relationship between EEG and periferal somato-autonomic func-tions, such as blood pressure, GSR, nictitating membrane, and EMG have been confirmed. The above results on the relationship between EEG and behavior might be shown that if we use simultaneous recording of EEG and periferal somato-autonomic activities (Poly-graphy), more precise analysis of the drug actions on the CNS might be made.

Copyright © 1964, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


