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ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL STUDY OF EFFECTS OF MORPHINE ON THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Ken-ichi Yamamoto 1 , Masumi Yoshioka 2 , Yoshio Nakamura 2 , Hiroshi Kawamura 2 1Division of Pharmacology, Shionogi Research Laboratory 2Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Institute of Brain Research,School of Medicine, University of Tokyo pp.327-350
Published Date 1961/5/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201069
  • Abstract
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Ⅰ. Effect of morphine on the afferent path- way of pain sensation.

In chronically electrode-implanted cats, ve-getative symptoms such as salivation, de-crease of respiration and heart rate were seen immediately after the intravenous administra-tion of 10 mg/kg morphine. Within ten minutes after injection the animal gradually showed behavioral excitation and disappea-rance of freindlyness. At this time, low voltage fast waves in the sensory-motor and the auditory area of the cerebral cortex (neocortex) were recorded, while drowsy pattern in the amygdala (paleocortex) and the hippocampus (archicortex) were observed despite of behavioral arousal of animal.

The same dissociation between the neocor-tex and the paleo-, archicortex was also observed in curarized cats after the ad-ministration of the same dose of morphine. The mechanism of this dissociation was stu-died comparing the elevation of arousal thres-hold in each activating system using cura-rized cats. The results were as follows.

1. Threshold of electrographic activation in the hypothalamic activating system, which was described by TOKIZANE, was markedly elevated after the ad- ministration of morphine.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


