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一般にMeprobamateはLudwig and Piech4)以来,自律神経系に直接影響を与えず,しかも,鎮静作用を現わす薬剤とされ,催眠作用や抗痙攣作用よりも,むしろ興奮,緊張,不安を除去,鎮静させる作用を持つているが,Farb5),Constant6)等の報告によると,同じくTranquilizerであるChlordiazepoxide〔Librium (Roche)〕は,催眠作用や,錐体外路症候を惹起することなく,しかも特異的に緊張,不安,焦燥感,恐怖感を鎮静せしめ,なお抗抑うつ作用をも併用するといわれ,更に興味あるときは,本剤がてんかんに対して抗痙攣作用を示すのみならず,性格面に対しても,所謂馴化作用を示すことが,Kaim S.C.,Rosen-stein I. N.1)らによつて報告されたことである。
The following are the clinical results of a study in which "Chlordiazepoxide" was given to various types of epileptic subjects ;
1) For epileptic seizures, when used in conjunction with other anti-seizure drugs, there was a realization of the controlling effect for seizures. The drugs was parti-cularly effective with petit mal seizures.
2) In the light of the above there was little expectation for effectiveness with sy-mptomatic epilepsy based on organic dama-ge.
3) On the other hand, "Chlordiazepoxide" was conparatively effective for psychic sy-mptoms centering around periodic moodiness.
4) Clinically, five cases proved to be very effective, three cases effective, and two cases not effective. However, as with other drugs, it is thought that "Chlordiaze-poxide" can not go beyond symptomatica.

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