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1. 54 patients were treated with Balance for psychotic and psychoneurotic disor-ders. The following diagnostic categories were represented: Neurosis (34 patients): Depression (9): Schizophrenia (6): Epile-psy (3): Brovarin addiction (1): Parkin-sonism (1).
2. Most patients received 30-60 mg.: the highest daily dose was 120 mg., the low-est 30 mg.
3. The duration of administration ranged from 7 day to 3 months (average 1 mon-th).
4. An effectiveness of 56-85% was noted in neuroses.
It appears to be most efficacious in an xiety neurosis.
On the contrary it was not very effi-cacious in the hebephrenic type of schi-zophrenia and asthenic nervousness.
When used with Aleviatin (5, 5-diphenyl hydantoin), it was effective for stabiti-zation of emotion and as an anti-convul-sive agent.
It was rather effective in reactive or neurotic depression than in endogenous depression.
5. Balance produced a cessation of such sym-ptoms as anxiety, agitation and tension. It was also efficacious for physical con-comitants such as tachycardia, dizziness, nausea etc. But depressive and repressive symptoms were not particularly improv-ed.
6. The similar drug effect was observed both in acute and chronic states of above-mentioned disorders. In this connection it will be stated that the significant relation between duration of illness and pharmac-ological effect is not proved.
7. Improvement was mostly noted within 1 to 2 weeks after administration and was scarcely noted after the third week of medication.
8. Side effects, of which drowsiness and ataxia were the most prominent, were not severe and fully tolerable.
9. Balance is a rapid-acting drug. It is a va-luable specific agent against anxiety and tension states. And it also exerted as a psychostimulating drug. Besides the abo-vementioned effectivenes, side effects proved to he rare and tolerable. The-refore, it was supposed that Balance will have its greatest merits when used as ad-junct of psychotherapy.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.