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今日精神科領域において用いられているInsu-lin subshock therapyはinsulin deep coma shock therapyに対するもので,昏睡に陥らしめない量のインシユリンで行う一種のシヨツク療法であることは周知のことであるが,その治療術式,治癒機転,対象患者の選択等については未だ不明の点が少くない。しかし精神分裂病患者を対象とする場合1)を除いては,一般に不安,苦悶乃至は心気的苦訴を前景とする神経症患者,鬱病患者等に対して経験的に行われている治療法である。これらの患者に対する本療法の効果は,その暗示的,精神的な面を除外して生理学的観点に立つて考察すると,不安苦悶等の自律神経機能変化を伴う憂悶状態に対して,その機能と密接な関係にあるホルモンを継時的に負荷して自律神経緊張状態を動揺せしめ,それに伴う精神状態像を観察して安定点を見出そうとするものであると考えられる。
Insulin subshock therapy has been applied to the treatment of schizophrenia, depression and neurosis suffering from severe anxiety and fear.
We treated 8 neurotics (4 male and 4 female patients) by insulin subshock therapy using Novo Semi Lente Insulin. S. L. I. was injected intramuscularly at 6:00 a. m. and the treat-ment was terminated by 10:00 a. m. every day. Daily dosage of S. L. I. renged from 6 to 40 units. Before the beginning of the tre-atment, the pharmacodynamical vegetative nervous states were examined in all patients. After 30 days treatment, they were examined again.
Results are as follows:
1) Even when 40 units S. L. I. was injected any manifest findings such as clouded consci-ousness could not be seen except slight swea-ting, lassitude and hungriness. But insulin's hypoglycemic action was apparently recogni-zed even about 12 hours after the injection in terms of blood sugar rate.
2) By means of pharmacodynamical test before the beginning of the treatment we fo-und that patients treated were all unbalanced in vegetative nervous function:some of them were sympathicotonic, some others were pa-rasympathicotonic and the rest were hyperto-nic in both systems.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.