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脳腫瘍の手術の中で慎重に止血を充分にさえ行えば,最も安全と思われている下垂体腺腫で,最近私は,術後間もなく死亡した2例を経験し,之等を剖検する機会を得たが,何れも腫瘍被膜内に強度の出血を起し,Suprasellar Extensionの形を示していた。この事に就き若干の考察を加えてみたい。
The clinical and pathological findings in 2 cases of the pituitary adenomas are presented. Unfortunately these patients died of hypotha-lamic crisis soon after the operation. The round huge tumors protruding from the sella trucica were found by autopsy in both cases. The tumors were filled with blood and com-pressed the hypothalamus and the brain stem. Microscopic finding revealed extensive intra-capsular hemorrhage and moreover small necrotic portions in the tumor in one case. Microscopic diagnosis were the same chro-mophobe adenomas of the pituitary gland in both cases. Now then the operation for the pituitary adenomas is the safest one of all brain tumors. Above mentioned cases are the first experience for us. And so the se-veral conditions that might be related to the operative results are mentioned and the me-dical literatures of the pituitary apoplexy and extrasellar extension of the pituitary gland are referred and cause of both fatalities is discussed.

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