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最近,われわれは嫌色素性下垂体腺腫が,初回手術とこれに続く放肘線療法の後,11年間の長期経過を経て,急激な悪性化(肉腫化)を示し,短期間に前頭葉,眼窩,口腔内にまで達する巨大な腫瘍となって,悪性化後約8カ月で死亡した症例を経験した.臨床経過,剖検所見について報告し,合わせて下垂体腺腫の鞍外進展extrasellar extensionおよびpostirradiation sarcomaを中心に若干の文献的考察を加えた.
Post irradiation pituitary sarcoma is an exceptionally rare tumor which occurs after therapeutic radiation to a preexisting pituitary adenoma. To date only 12 cases have been reported in the literature. The authors reported one of such cases with unusually massive intracranial and intranasooral extension.
A 33-year old female was seen in 1967 with about 3 year-history of diminution of visual acuity and amenorrhea, with abnormal gain of weight. Examination revealed visual acuity of 0.4 in the left eye and 1.0 in the right eye, and optic atrophy and temporal hemianopia bilaterally.

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