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Electroencephalographic Studies on the Cases with Postconcussional Syndrome Chikao Idzumi 1 , Tomokadzu Hayakawa 1 1Depart. of Neuropsychiatry Hiroshima University Medical School pp.395-402
Published Date 1956/1/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200479
  • Abstract
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Here were studied electroencephalographica-lly the cases with post-concussional syndro-me. Studied cases were seen in the own De-partment during about 1 year ; number of ca-ses 58 and number of recording 71. All cases were suffering from head injuries of various causes in the past dating from few days to many years ago, having yet many complaints and symptoms, for instance, headache, dizz-iness-, tinnitus, hemiparesis, seizure etc.

EEG recording showed many abnormalities in relatively high degree in 69%, and abnormal findings consisted of the fast activities (many of them with low voltage), high voltage spikes and or slow waves and asymmetry of frequency and amplitude. And the following results were obtained conclusively.

1) The cases of which injuries and complaints were slight (and their complaints were supposed scarcely to be based on organic changes due to brain-injuries) showed few abnomalities in EEG.

2) The cases, of which complaints and inju-ries were not slight (and their complaints were supposed to be based on organic changes) show-ed manifold abnomalities in EEG, but there were remarkable relationships between the de-gree of complaints and sympotmes and the EEG findings.

3) In a few cases, there was observed the decrease of abnormal findings in EEG as the symptoms was improved.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


