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- 1ページ目
1. The author devised an apparatus for measure-ment of the finger power based on the princi- ple that the load and elongation of the helical spring are in linear relation.
2. The static flexor power and the static ex-tensor power of the second to the fifth fingers were measured on 230 normal persons from 6 to 74 years of age (122 males and 108 females).
These were classified into three groups ac-cording to the age, the arithmetical mean of each group being regarded as the standard value.
The grip power and the circumferences ofthe forearm and the upper arm were mesur-ed at the same time.
3. The static flexor and the static extensor power of the four fingers, the grip power, the circumferences of the forearm and the upper arm were measured on 101 cases with nervous disorders and on 15 general surgical cases without nervous disorders.
4. By the use of this apparatus one can easily measure the finger power and know whether paralysis is present at all or how far paralysis extends.
The degree of paralysis can be well and quantitatively demonstrated by the author's "decrement of muscle power" (standard value-measured value/standard value ×100).
5. The chronological mesurement on one patient shows the change and the conditions of paralysis quantitatively and serves well to determine indications for operations and prognosis and to evaluate the operative results.

Copyright © 1954, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.