

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Studies on the Respiratory Movement caused by Diencephalic Stimulation Ippei Hatakeyama 1 , Tokuzo Kojima 2 , Katsumi Otani 2 , Toshio Kusama 2 1Department of Physiology, University of Tokyo Medical School 2Instinute for Brain Research, University of Tokyo Medical School pp.285-291
Published Date 1953/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200362
  • Abstract
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The respiratory effect of electric stimulation of diencephalon was studied in rabbit using a stereotaxic instrument,an electronic stimulator, both the authors' own device, and a needle ele-ctrode. The effect varied depending on elect-ric charactristics of stimuli, especially on the frequency and the intensity of the stimulus. Varions aspects of the modification of respira-tion caused by this procedure are analysed from the standpoint of stimulating condition, especil-ly electric characteristics of the stimuli appl-ied.

1) Inhibition of rate and amplitude of respira- tion. Increasing the frequency and the in- tensity of the stimulus, this inhibitory effect was enhanced and stimulation with high frequency and intensity often brought about complete suppression. Besides a shift of respiratory tonus level by changes in fre- quency and intensity of stimulus was induce- d in some cases.

2) The spasmodic inspiratory movement and intermittent inspiratory suppression. This effect was not much influenced by frequency and intensity of toe stimulus.

3) Accerelative effect independent on frequency and intensity of stimulative current. We could abtain this effect in many cases. It is considered that panting and paroxismal tachypnea may belong to the same category as these accerelative responses.

4) Considerable increase of rate and amplitude of respiration is produced by weak stimula- tion, while on the other hand increasing the strength of the stimulus, the effect on the amplitude is markedly inhibited. Neverth- less the accerelative effect of rate remains and becomes strengthened more and more and the strong stimuli bring out almost complete suppression.

5) A few cases that do not belong to the above mentioned our types were observed. These cases can also be explained from the condi- tion of frequency and intensity of electric stimulus.

We can also classify the effect on the respi-ratory tonus level with regard to frequency and intensity of stimulative current as follows.

1) Inspiratorye ffect with low frequency and intensity, and expiratory effect with high frequency and intensity.

2) Expiratory effect with low frequency and intensity, and inspiratory effect with high frequency and intensity, in contrast to the preceding case.

3) Inspiratory effect throughout.

4) Expiratory effect throughout.

5) Irregular effect.

The respective localisation of the stimulated points for each of the above classified effect could not be called closely confined. They were not at random in distribution, and we could rather indicate a certain degree of regu-larity in the distribution of the stimulated points more or less closely grouped among themselves for each type of responses. In the authors' opinion it is not secure to discuss the function of the brain simply relying on a con-ventional way of stimulation by means of a crude apparatus of electric stimulation.

Copyright © 1953, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


