

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Nervous Symptoms of Tuberculous Meningitis Under the Streptomycin Treatment. Fujisaki Takahisa 1 , Atarashi Shironosuke 1 1Sassa Medical Clinic of Tokyo Univ. Medical School pp.91-96
Published Date 1952/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200260
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The authors have made observations concerning mainly to the nervous symptoms about the streptomycin treatment of 20 adults with tu-berculous meningitis. 13 of them recovered temporairlyor completely during the treatment of 33~238 days, and the other 7 died soon inspite of the treatment 2~12 days. Each patient was injected 0.1gm. of streptomycin intrathecally and some of them with compli-cated miliary tuberculos's were also given 1.0gm. of streptomycin intramusculary once a day for a considerable period.

(1) Following nervous and mental symptoms were specially observed in the former 13 pa-tionts (a) General psychological symptoms such as coma, deliria, delusion, hallucination, irritability, excitability, insomnia and brady-lalia vanished in 4 or 10 days. But indication, understanding, judgement, intention, feeling and intelligence belonging to the function of cerebrum did not recover very rapidly, not improving beyond a certain degree. Thus some patients showed the aspect of apathy, charac-teristic of the prolonged tuberculous mening-itis. At first drowsiness in the daytime was followed by nocturnal excitement. Such inver-sion of sleep persisted for a considerable period. (b) Severe headache and bradycardia due to meningeal irritation subsided soon after the removal of the cerebrospinal liquor. But slight headache remained for as long as 40 days and sometimes longer. Nausea and vomiting ordinarily subsided sooner or later, but after- wards these were evoked sometimes by the intrathecal use of streptomycin. (c) Signs of motor system. Stiffness of neck did not ligh-ten for a long time, but the strain of abdo-minal muscles subsided soon. The intensity of the Kernig's sign parallelled with the situa-tion of the meningitis. Cog-wheel like rigidity of hand and cubital joint remained for a while. The sign of Babinski had been positive in 7 cases at the beginning, and was elucidated in every patient at a period of the disease. (d), Sensual signs. Hyperacusis an hyperesthesia subsided soon. But radial nerve remained most sensitive against pressure for a long time. (e) All the 4 patients who had not the sym-ptoms of cranial nerves recovered, while the other 9 with any of those died eventually.

(2) In some of the cases the relapse occurr-ed from one to three times during the treat-ment. After the relapse meningeal symptoms may subside, but the symptoms due to dest-ruction of cerebrum remains. After such re-lapses some of the patients show decebrated state and die eventually.

(3) All the 7 patients who died soon against the treatment were therapied after they had gone into the paralytic stage. In these the. involvement of many cranial nerves and the stimulations of motor system such as fumbl-ing and fasciculous contraction were observed from the beginning of the treatment.

Copyright © 1952, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


