

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Activation of Epileptic Disorders with Pentazol. Fuse, Hideo 1 11st. Surgical Dept., Tokyo Univ. pp.22-30
Published Date 1951/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200161
  • Abstract
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Electrcencephalographic and clinical responses to Pentazol (Pentamethylentetrazol) were studied in 60 epileptic patients and in 41 control subjects for the purpose of reexamining the results which had been reported by Walker, and Cure, Rasmussen and Jasper. Control subjects included 21 relation of epileptic patients, 10 patiens who suffered from brain or skullinjuries without epileptic seizure, and 10 normal subjects. Two medes of admini-stration of Pentazol were adopted, i. e., rapid intravenous injection of 10% solution and slow intravenous injection of 2% solution at the rate of 100 mg per minute. The dose of Pentazol waslimitted under 200 mg in each case.

The principal results may be summarized as follows:

A Clinical responses

1. Clinical epileptic seizures were induced only in 45% of epileptic patients and in 14% of their relatives.

2. Clinical epileptic seizures were induced in 100% of petit mal patients, in 80% of psychomotor, in 41% of grand mal and 12% of Jacksonian epilepsy.

B Electroencephalographic responses 1. Epileptiform discharge was observed in EEG of 90% of epileptic patients (52% in the plain tracing) and 48% of their rela- tives. (24% in the plain tracing), but activative effect on the EEG of the other control subjects was scarcely found.

2. Focal epileptic discharge which had been found in 13% of epileptic patients in the plain tracing, increased to 43% in the activated EEG.

3. By this method, electroencephalographic foci were demonstrated in high percentage (70~80%) corresponding to the expected foci clinically.

4. Slow intravenous injection of 2% solution of Pentazol was better than rapid injection of 10% solution for the clinical or electro- encephalographic diagnosis of epilepsy.

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


