

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Electroencephalagraphic Studies in Relatives of Epileptics Moriyasu, Nobuo 1 11st. Surgical Dept, Tokyo Univ. pp.17-21
Published Date 1951/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200160
  • Abstract
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 Electrcencephalographic traeings were made in 111 parents, children and siblings of epileptic patients. Definitely abnormal records were obtained in 42 per cent of the relatives, against 8 per cent in a control group who were unrelated toepileptic persons. In thirteen of the families, records were made of both parents and of those, at least one of the parents showed abnormal record in 77 per cent. This evidence shows that the dysrhythmia of epilepsy is inheritable and that it may represent a predisposition to epilepsy. There was no definite difference between male and female.

 Abnormal records were obtained in 48 per cent of the relatives of symptomatic epileptric persons, against in 11 per cent in a control group.

 The types of dysrhythmias are as follows:

   abnormally slow……………………55%

   slow and fast………………………41%

   abnormally fast……………………2%

   wave and spike……………………2%

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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  • 癲癇 林 髞 , 陣內 傳之助 , 小澤 凱夫 , 桂 重次 , 平澤 興 , 淸水 健太郞 , 吉井 直三郞 , 中川 秀三 , 田中 憲二 , 荒木 千里 , 中田 瑞穗 医学書院 Brain and Nerve 脳と神経
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  • 腦外傷時の腦波 桂 重次 , 遠藤 辰一郞 , 林 誠 医学書院 Brain and Nerve 脳と神経
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  • 腦波 島園 安雄 医学書院 看護学雑誌
    11巻 6号 (1952年6月)
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  • 癲癇発作時脳波の研究 淀繩 武雄 医学書院 神経研究の進歩
    4巻 1号 (1959年11月)
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