

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Takeo Yodonawa 1 1lst Surgical Department, Tokyo University, School of Medicine pp.171-207
Published Date 1959/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431901729

 EEG changes of epilepsy during the ictal period are well known, as compared to those inthe interictal period.

 The most annoying impediment in tracing ofseizure patterns is muscle movement artifacts, whether the seizure is spontaneous or induced. The author has applied a synthetic curare-likedrug (S. C. C.), which practically does not modify the EEG, to eliminate muscle movementartifacts.

 Most of the seizures studied were induced byintravenous drip infusion of pentylenetetrazol (Pentazol) with the speed of 1mg/kg/30sec, thetotal doses being 500mg to 1,000mg.

 By means of curarization, all ictal EEG manifestations could be recorded from the start to theend.

 A group of 31 patients (6 female and 25 male), ranging in age from 11 to 48, were studied.They were classified as grand mal-4, psychomotor seizure-19, other focal seizure-6, andpetit mal-2.

 The results are as follows.

 1) The application of curarization for the study of seizure patterns is clinically useful procedure.

 2) Grand mal is characterized by rhythmicspikes, predominantly in the neocortex.

 3) Ictal automatism is characterized by rhythmic spikes in the hippocampal formation, amygdala, and the temporal pole and by slow wavesin the neocortex.

 4) Dreamy state seizure is characterized byrhythmic spikes in the lateral temporal cortex.

 5) The seizure patterns of petit mal are 3c/sspike-and-wave in all leads, predominantly inthe frontal leads, as reported hitherto.

 In order to analyse the seizure patterns, animal (cat) experiments were performed on 13abult cats.

 Spiking foci were established, utilizing penicillin suspension (30×104units/cc). Cortical epileptiform lesions were made by using 3mm cotton ball, soaked in penicillin suspension. Subcortical lesions were made by injecting a smallquantity of penicillin suspension (0.05cc), utilizing a needle (diameter 0.7~0.8mm), which wasleft as an electrode.

 Pentazol activation was carried out by intraperitoneal injection.

 The correlation between the induced seizuresof men and animals was discussed.

 1) The induced ictal EEG patterns of cats,of which spiking foci were produced in the mesencephalic reticular formation, were resembling.to human grand mal EEG patterns.

 2) The induced ictal EEG patterns of cats, of which spiking foci were produced in the hippocampal formation and the cortex, were similar to psychomotor seizure (ital automatism)and focal convulsive seizure respectively.

 These facts present a strong suggestion as tothe pathophysiological mechanism of these seizures.

Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


