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要旨 50歳台の難治性内側側頭葉てんかん(MTLE)患者4例に対して行った前側頭葉・海馬切除術の成績を検討した。症例1は左側頭葉外側部に陳旧性の脳膿瘍をもつ左MTLEで,症例2~4は海馬硬化を主たる病態とする右MTLEであった。症例2~4の発症時年齢は17~26歳で,手術までに26~37年を経過していたが,WAIS-RによるIQは87~100と知能レベルは保たれていた。症例1は慢性硬膜下電極記録を経由して手術を行ったが,症例2~4は非侵襲的術前検査のみでMTLEと診断した。術後全例発作は消失または軽快し,復職さらには社会活動の上昇がみられた。前側頭葉・海馬切除術は50歳台のMTLEに対しても有効である。
We retrospectively analyzed 4 patients over age 50 (52~57) years with intractable medial temporal lobe epilepsy(MTLE) who underwent the anterior temporal lobectomy with hippocampectomy. Case 1 had MTLE with old brain abscess in the left lateral temporal lobe and Cases 2~4 had MTLE with histologically verified hippocampal sclerosis. In Cases 2~4, although the onset of seizures occurred 26 to 37 years prior to the time of surgery, there was no mental problem (IQ=87~100). In Cases 1, chronic invasive electrocorticography recording using subdural electrodes was obtained, while in Case 2~4, the epileptogenic region was defined by noninvasive preoperative evaluation. Postoperatively, all patients obtained a meaningful improvement, becoming either free from seizures or only experiencing a rare seizure, and returned to work or usual activities without surgical complications. Surgery for MTLE appears to be effective for older individuals and carries a small risk of postoperative complications.
(Received : February 4, 2004)

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