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健常のheart rate variability(HRV)とうつのHRVの比較では,total power(TP),low frequency(LF),high frequency(HF)およびstandard deviation of the RR interval(SDRR)は,うつでは健常より統計学的に有意に小さかった。不安と健常との比較では有意差を認めなかった。
We used Heart Rate Variability (HRV) to study autonomic nerve function on 77 normal controls (N), 27 depressive disorder patients (D), and 27 anxiety disorder patients (A) who met the DSM-Ⅳ criteria. We obtained the following findings.
Total Power (TP), Low Frequency (LF), High Frequency (HF), and Standard Deviation of the RR Interval (SDRR) of HRV are statistically smaller in D than in N. There was no statistical significance between N and A.
Time dominant analysis of HRV showed that D is statistically smaller than A on SDRR. Frequency dominant analysis of HRV showed that D is statistically smaller than A on LF, HF, and TP.
The relation between HRV and the severity of D showed that the severe severity group is statistically smaller than the mild and moderate severity group in regard to TP, LF, HF, and SDRR of HRV.
In conclusion, autonomic nerve function is decreased in D and severe severity depression showed the most reduction. HRV seems to be good for use in clinical psychiatry as a supplementary means to judge severity and progress in D.

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