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当科におけるAoT 30例の検討では,発症推定年齢分布は30歳台が多く,臨床症状は肺動脈病変に特異的なものはなかった。肺血流シンチ異常は65%にみられ,肺動脈病変は右上葉に多く,大動脈弁閉鎖不全(AR)の合併を多く認めた。以上より,肺動脈病変を伴ったAoTは,対応する症状に乏しく,AR,PH等の合併症により予後不良となる例があることから,病変の早期検出には肺換気,血流シンチを定期的に行う必要があると思われた。
A 56-year-old woman with aortic arch syndrome and finally right pulmonary artery obstruction secondary to Takayasu's aortitis was presented. She had had a history of visual disturbance and dizziness when she looked upward since 1983. On admissionin July, 1984, aortography showed obstruction of the right innominate artery and of the left subcla-vian artery. Pulmonary arterial pressure, pulmonary perfusion and ventilation images seemed to be normal at that time. After discharge from our hospital, she began in 1987, to be aware of dys-pnea on effort. Because of this symptom, she was admitted again in March, 1988. The pulmonary perfusion images showed complete lack of perfusion in the right lung, and arterial blood gas showed hypoxia with 62 mmHg in PaO2, 39 mmHg in PaCO2. Cardiac catheterization confirmed pulmonay hyper-tension with pulmonary artery pressure of 56/18 mmHg.
In conclusion, pulmonary perfusion and ventilation scintigraphy proved to be the best way to clarify the nature of a lesion of the pulmonary artery in aortitis syndrome.

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