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【目的】冠動脈疾患診断における「胸部誘導陰性T波の運動負荷による陽性化」の意義を検討.【方法】対象は,心電図胸部誘導の陰性T波がMasterまたはエルゴメーター法による運動負荷直後に陽性化した冠動脈疾患(CAD)20例と非CAD 14例.負荷心電図上のST,T波高,QTc,U波高の変動を両群で対比検討.【結果】1)CAD群全例に左前下行枝(LAD)狭窄を認めた.2)非CAD群中ST下降は1例にもみられず,CAD群においても,16例(80%)はST不変であった.3)T波高,QTcの変動は両群間で差なし.4)T波陽転時にU波高は非CAD群中7例(50%)で増高したのに対し,CAD群中16例(80%)で陰性化した.5)「T波陽転に伴うU波陰性化」によるLAD狭窄の検出感度は80%,特異度は93%.6)CAD群中15例(75%)は血行再建術を要し,術後には本所見は消失した.【結語】「胸部誘導のT波陽転に伴うU波陰性化」は,LAD狭窄の検出に有用な心電図指標と考えられた.
Although normalization of inverted T wave is not an uncommon finding during exercise tests, it's clinical significance is still unclear.
Exercise 12-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs) were recorded by using Master's 2-step or ergometer. T wave normalization in the anterior chest leads was found in 20 patients with, and 14 patients without coronary artery disease (CAD). Coronary angiography and/or exercise T1-201 myocardial imaging were also performed in every patient. Exercise-induece T wave normalization was defined as “inverted T wave at rest becoming upright during exercise”.

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