

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Case of Neurally Mediated Syncope Following Treadmill Exercise Testing Hirotoshi Ohmura 1 , Masataka Sumiyoshi 1 , Yoriaki Mineda 1 , Mikio Tanaka 1 , Satoshi Kojima 1 , Satoru Suwa 1 , Hitoshi Tomihara 1 , Yasuro Nakata 1 1Department of Cardiology, Izu-Nagaoka Hospital, Juntendo University School of Medicine Keyword: 失神発作 , 運動負荷 , Head-up Tilt試験 , syncope , exercise test , head-up tilt test pp.1101-1105
Published Date 1996/10/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404901357
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A 52-year old woman was referred to our hospital for several episodes of syncope following exercise. The resting electrocardiogram showed negative T waves in II, III, aVF. V2-6 and deep Q waves in I, aVL, V4-6. On her coronary angiogram there were no stenotic lesions and the left ventriculogram showed normal size and normal contraction. However. 201Tl scintigraphy revealed scattered defects of its uptake in the left ventricle. Three minutes after submaximal treadmill exercise testing, the patient developed sinus arrest and junctional rhythm associated with syncope. The head-up tilt test during isoproterenol infusion (0.01μg/min/ kg) induced presyncope with junctional rhythm and hypotension following 2: 1 atrioventricular block. After the patient received disopyramide 300 mg/day, repeated exercise and tilt test (using the isoproterenol infusion up to 0.03μg/kg/min) results were normal. Head up tilt test was reported to be an important dignostic tool for the evaluation of exercise-related syncope. Most of the reported cases were under 40 years of age and male without obvious organic heart disease. Although the occurrence of post-exercise vagal reaction seemed to be unusual in a middle-aged woman, the relationship between the electrocardiogra-phic and scintigraphic abnormalities and neurally mediated syncope was not able to be identified.

Copyright © 1996, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


