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44歳,男性.1989年より筋緊張性ジストロフィー症のため当院脳神経内科に通院中であった.1996年1月心不全および心電図上完全房室ブロックを呈していたため入院となった.torsades de pointes型心室頻拍から心室細動,心停止となり救命のため体外式一時ペーシングを施行し,頻拍発作は再発しなくなった.ヒス束電位図では伝導時H-V時間は85 msと延長しており,伝導途絶部位はHV間であったが,心電図所見と併せて伝導途絶部位はヒス束下端と考えられた.また,左心室造影ではびまん性に壁運動は低下しており,心拍出率は49%であった,病理所見は心筋肥大と錯綜配列を認めた.筋緊張性ジストロフィー症の心病変は一般作動筋のみならず特殊心筋も侵され得るが,本症例のように両者が障害され,torsades de pointes型心室頻拍を伴う完全房室ブロックに心不全を合併した報告例は稀である.
44- year-old man, who had suffered myotonic dystro-phy for 7 years, was referred to our hospital because of complete atrioventricular (AV) block and congestive heart failure. On the first hospital day, he had polymor-phic ventricular tachycardia with QT prolongation (tor-sades de pointes), ventricular fibrillation followed by cardiac arrest. However, he was successfully resuscitat-ed with temporary pacing. His bundle electrogram revealed that the site of AV block was at the distal portion of the his bundle potential. Coronary angiogra-phy showed no atherosclerotic stenosis, but left ventriculography demonstrated diffuse hypokinesis with an ejection fraction of 53%. An endomyocardial biopsy specimen from the right ventricle showed hypertrophy of myocites with mild disarray and increased interstitial fibrosis. After implantation of a cardiac pacemaker, the medical course of the patient's life has been uneventful for 12 months.

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