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持続性心室頻拍(VT)を伴う不整脈源性右室異形成症(ARVD)39例における加算平均心電図(SAE)の有用性を,Time domain(TD)法,周波数解析(FFT)法およびSpectral turbulence(ST)法の3種類の解析法を用いて,健常群65例を対照として比較検討した.VT検出の診断感度はTD54%,FFT49%で,STは10%と極端に低値であった.一方,診断特異度はTD100%,FFT97%,ST100%であり,ともに良好であった.診断精度はTD83%,FFT79%,ST66%とTDが最良であった.ARVDにおけるSAEの有用性は解析法により差が認められ,特にSTでのVT検出の感度は低く,むしろ各解析法ともに特異度が高かった.
We compared three analyzing methods of signal-averaged electrocardiograms (SAE) in arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia (ARVD). SAE were recorded in 65 normal subjects and 36 ARVD patients with sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT). Time domain (TD), Fast fourier transformation (FFT) and spectral turbulence (ST) analyses were performed.
Diagnostic sensitivity for detecting VT was 54% in TD, 49% in FFT and 10% in ST analyses. Specificity was 100% in TD, 97% in FFT and 100% in ST analyses. Total predictive accuracy was 83% in TD, 79% in FFT and 66% in ST analyses. Thus, TD and FFT analyses.were less effective for detecting VT in ARVD and ST was particularly unreliable for this aim. However, accuracy concerning specificity was high in all analyses.

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