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肺気腫患者14例にて,温湿度補正を加えた体プレチスモグラフを用いて呼吸数を安静呼吸から段階的に変えて測定し,呼吸数の変化が,気流量Vm=±0.5 l/secで計測した気道抵抗(Raw0.5)の測定値に及ぼす影響を検討した.呼吸数が多くなるほど測定呼吸時の胸郭内気量(TGV)は上昇するにもかかわらずRaw0.5は上昇し,Raw0.5(2 Hz)はRaw0.5(安静呼吸)の約1.5倍の値を示した。また,呼吸数が多くなるほど測定呼吸時のpeak flowも上昇し,このpeak flowの上昇と気道抵抗の上昇との間には高い相関が認められた.これらの成績から肺気腫患者ではpanting時には気道の形状が変化している可能性も考えられる.気道の形状が安静呼吸時に近い0.5Hz時でのRaw0.5の測定は測定値の安定性も優れており,患者の負担も少なく日常の臨床に使用し得る.
Application of the panting method is very difficult for patients with pulmonary emphysema (PE). We attempted to measure airway resistance (Raw) during quiet breathing and changing respiratory rate step by step in patients with PE using a pressure-type bodyple-thysmograph system (BX-82) correcting measured values by temperature and humidity. Influence of the respira-tory rate to Raw was studied at 0.5l/sec of inspiratory and expiratory flow. Whenever the respiratory rate was going up, the Raw increased in spite of the increase of the thoracic gas volume. Raw (2Hz) was about one and a half times as high as Raw (quiet breathing).

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