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臨床所見,心内膜心筋生検より明らかに心筋炎と思われた15例と正常例9例に,安静201Tl心筋シンチグラムを施行し,Bull's eye心機能マップを用い比較検討した.正常例のTl uptakeの平均値−2SD以下を異常とし,異常域をextent mapに表示した.心筋炎では異常域が散在性に分布し,重症例ほど塊状,連続性にも分布していた.また,異常域は後壁に比し前壁中隔に多く,側壁に少ない傾向があった.さらに,異常域の出現率は高度壁運動異常部位ほど高かったが,壁運動異常を認めない部位にも,正常例に比し有意に高い異常域出現率を認め,潜在性の心筋障害が示唆された.
In order to evaluate myocardial damage in a patient with myocarditis, rest thallium-201 myocardial single photon emisson computed tomography (SPECT) was performed in 15 patients with myocarditis. For qualita-tive and semiquantitative analysis, Bull's eye functional maps were made up with SPECT images. In the func-tional map, the abnormal area, where Tl uptake is less than mean-2SD of the Tl uptake of normal subjects, is generally distributed in the myocarditis group.But focal and sequential abnormal areas were recognized more often in the clinically severe cases.

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