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Simson法によるlate potential(S-LP)と高速フーリエ変換によるlare potential(FFT-LP)を用い,持続性心室性頻拍(SVT)と突然死の検出率を比較した。対象は脚ブロック(BBB)のない慢性期心筋梗塞(MI)102例,BBBのない拡張型心筋症(DCM)10例,健常者17例,BBBのあるMI 15例,BBBのあるDCM 3例,それに器質的疾患のないBBBのみの12例。FFT-LPはXYZ双極誘導を用い,20Hzから50Hzの間の成分が多い時陽性とした。[結果]BBBのないMIではS-LPとFFT-LPの陽性率はよく一致した。BBBのあるMIでは健常者より有意にFFT-LPの陽性率が高かった。DCMおよびBBBのあるMIにおいて,S-LP,FFT-LPともにSVTまたは,突然死の検出に有効であった。MIでは梗塞巣の位置に相関したLPの局在が示唆された。
We compared a new method to detect late po-tential applied fast Fourier transform (FFT-LP) with the prior method of Simson (S-LP). We investigated 159 consecutive pts excluding atrial fibrillation, 102 pts with old myocardial infarction (MI) without bandle branch block (BBB), 10 pts with dilated car-diomyopathy (DCM) without BBB, normal 17 pts without BBB, 15 MI pts with BBB, 3 DCM pts with BBB, and normal 12 pts with BBB. And 102 MI pts without BBB were divided into 3 groups by S-LP, group 1 was 12 pts, of which 2 or 3 parameters of S-LP were positive, group 2 was 5 pts, of which 1 parameter of S-LP was positive, and the 3rd group was 85 pts, of which all parame-ters of S-LP were negative. FFT was performed in the segment from terminal 40 mesc of QRS com-plex to ST segment, then, the area under the curve between 20 and 50Hz was divided by the area under the curve between 0 and 20Hz. We called this ratio “area ratio (AR)”, and examined it in each group. When the value of AR was over 20, defined as FFT-LP positive, the positive ratio was 75% (group 1), 20% (group 2), 11.9% (group 3), 0% (normal pts without BBB), 40% (MI with BBB), 8.3% (nor-mal with BBB). In detection of SVT, FFT-LP of MI with BBB had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 64%, S-LP of DCM without BBB had a sensi-tivity of 100%, specificity of 100%, FFT-LP of DCM without BBB had a sensitivity of 100%, specificity of 75%. In detection of SVT or sudden death, FFT-LP of DCM with BBB had a sensitivity of 50 %, specificity of 100%. Thus, we concluded that FFT-LP reflects ventricular late activation, and it is a very useful method for detecting late potential in MI and DCM pts not only without BBB, but also with BBB.
Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.