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To define the characteristic features of electrocardio-graphy in hypertensives with heart failure, we comparedelectrocardiographic findings using the following criter-ia; Romhilt-Estes point score system (R-E), Sokolow-Lyon voltage criteria (S-L), Cornell voltage criteria(Cornell), with echocardiographically determined leftventricular mass index (LVM/m2) and cardiac catheter-ization measurements in 17 hypertensive men with apast history of heart failure (group A;≦69y: n=6,group B;≧70y :n=11) and hypertensive men with-out heart failure (group C;≦69y:n=8).
The incidence of left ventricular hypertrophy was26% (Cornell) to 65% (R-E) by electrocardiographyand 88% by echocardiography among all subjects.Although LVM/m2 were similar in both group A andB, the R-E score and S-L voltage were significantlygreater for group A than for B. S-L voltages were quitesimilar for both group B and C.
Electrocardiographic validation of these criteria forheart failure revealed superior sensitivity in R-E volt-age, ST-T change, QRS duration≧0.09sec, R-E score,and S-L voltage, and superior specificity in left axisdeviation, QRS duration≧0.09sec, VAT≧0.05sec, andCornell voltage. LVM/m2 correlated well with QRSduration (r=0.59) and R-E score (r=0.61), but did not correlated well with S-L voltage.
Setting the cut-off point of LVM/m2 for failed heartfrom non-failed heart seemed appropriate at 180g,which achieved a sensitivity of 70%, specificity of 88%,positive predictive value of 92%, negative predictivevalue of 58%, and overall accuracy of 76% in hyperten-sive left ventricular hypertrophy.
It is concluded that 1) LVM/m2 had little correlationwith the voltages of the precordial leads, but had asignificant correlations with QRS duration (r=0.59) andR-E score (r=0.61). 2) The critical value of LVM/m2for hypertensive heart failure was 180g.

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