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血管ベーチェットが疑われた腹部大動脈瘤の1例を経験した.症例は68歳,男性.37歳時に副睾丸炎の既往がある.発熱,体重減少,関節痛があり,口腔潰瘍,右上腹部拍動性腫瘤の精査目的で入院となった.入院時,白血球増加,CRP上昇,血沈の亢進を認め,抗核抗体陽性,HLA typingではB51が検出された.腹部CT上,大動脈壁の肥厚および石灰化を伴う嚢状大動脈瘤を認めた.腹部大動脈造影では上腸間膜動脈下部の嚢状大動脈瘤を認めた.経過が急速であり,血管ベーチェットの大動脈瘤と考え,人工血管置換術を施行した.周囲への癒着,浸潤は認めず,病理組織では炎症細胞の浸潤と中膜弾性線維の破壊を認めた.高齢発症であるが,臨床経過,検査所見,組織所見より血管ベーチェットによる腹部大動脈瘤が考えられた.血管ベーチェットの動脈瘤は予後不良であることから,同疾患が疑われた場合,外科手術も念頭においた早期診断,治療が重要と考えられた.
We encountered a patient with abdominal aortic aneu-rysm suggesting vascular Behçet's disease. A case of a 68-year-old male who had a past history of epididymitis at the age of 37 years. Fever, weight loss and arthralgia developed, and the patient was hospitalized for detailed examination of oral ulcer and a pulsating phyma in the right upper abdomen. On admission, leukocytosis, the increased C reactive protein (CRP) level and enhanced erythocyte sedimentation rate were noted. The patient was positive for antinuclear antibody. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing detected B51. Abdominal comput-ed tomography (CT) revealed a saccular aortic aneur-ysm with aortic wall thickening and calcification. Radio-graphy of the abdominal aorta revealed a saccular aortic aneurysm below the superior mesenteric artery. The course was rapid, and under a diagnosis of aortic aneurysm caused by vasculer Behçet's disease, artificial blood vessel replacement was performed. Adhesion and infiltration to the periphery were not observed. His-topathology revealed infiltration of inflammatory cells and destruction of medial elastic fibers. Despite onset at an advanced age, the clinical course findings on exami-nation and histological findings suggested abdominal aortic aneurysm caused by vasculer Behçet's disease. Aneurysms caused by vasculer Behçet's disease have a poor prognosis. Therefore, early diagnosis and treat-ment including such surgery as indicated should be performed when this disease is suspected.

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