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A 60-year-old male was hospitalized due to exer-tional dvspnea. Chest X-ray revealed cardiac dilatation and retention of pleural effusion on the right side, sug-gesting heart failure. Electrocardiogram showed left axis deviation, ST-segment elevation in lead V1 through V3, and deep S wave in lead V4 through V6. Echocardio-graphy revealed myocardial thickening and retention of pericardial effusion. Cardiac catheter examination revealed normal for the left and right ventricular con-traction capacities, but the hemodynamics study showed a restrictive phenomenon. Myocardial biopsy showed the deposit of amyloid fiblil, so we diagnosed the patient to have cardiac amyloidosis. Diuretics and vasodilator agents were administered to treat heart failure, but resulting in no improvement. Concurrently sick sinus syndrome developed, resulting in exacerbation of heart failure. Shortly after temporary pacing was performed, pleural effusion disappeared, and heart function im-proved. A few days later, permanent pacemaker im-plantation was performed, and heart failure was suc-cessfully controlled. Cardiac amyloidosis is a progres-sive disease for which radical treatment has not yet been established. In the present case, VVI pacing was useful for controlling heart failure. However,the effect of VVI pacing may be transient, so further careful follow-up is necessary.

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