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To evaluate the effects of atrioventricular pacing interval on hemodynamics, we studied the changes in stroke volume and left ventricular filling dynamics in fourteen consecutive patients with imp-lanted atrioventricular pacemakers using a Doppler echocardiographic technique. Twelve patients had sick sinus syndrome and 2 had complete atriovent-ricular block. Stroke volume was determined as the time-velocity integral of the pulsed Doppler record-ings at the aortic annulus multiplied by the area of the aortic annulus obtained by 2-dimensional echocar-diography. Left ventricular filling velocity was measured at the mitral annulus by the pulsed Dop-pler technique to provide the time-velocity integral of rapid filling (TVI-R) and that of atrial filling (TVI-A). No significant change in stroke volume was noted during the atrioventricular interval mani-pulation. TVI-R was greater with short atriovent-ricular intervals than that with the long atriovent-ricular intervals. On the contrary, TVI-A was great-er with long atrioventricular intervals than that with short atrioventricular intervals. These results suggested that there is a compensatory mechanism in the left ventricular filling dynamics to keep the stroke volume constant despite the change in the atrioventricular interval. However, in patients with high atrial filling to rapid filling ratio (A/R), the stroke volume varied with change of atrioventricular interval, suggesting that the compensatory mechani-sm was not sufficient in such patients. We conclude that Doppler echocardiography is a useful, noninva-sive technique to assess the changes in the hemody-namics produced by atrioventricular interval manipu-lation in patients with implanted atrioventricular pacemakers.

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