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Urgent surgery for ventricular septal rupture fol-lowing myocardial infarction in a 75-year-old female with bronchial asthma was successfully perfor-med. On Feb 28, 1988, she had chest pain, and was admitted 5 days later because of the appearan-ce of heart murmur. Pansytolic murmur (Levine 4/VI) on 3 LSB and piping sound on both lung fields was heard, ECG showed acute anteroseptal infarction. Right heart Swan-Ganz catheterization revealed left to right shunt, and the diagnosis was ventricular septal rupture following acute antero-septal infarction with bronchial asthma. The initial hemodynamic condition was not serious, but soon after the diagnosis was confirmed, IABP was in-serted and operation was indicated because of the advanced age, high shunt ratio (70%) and compli-cation of bronchial asthma. The operation was per-formed a day after septal rupture. The perforationin the ventricular septum of the apex was sutured with a xenopericardium patch by mattres sutures through a left ventricle approach, and the ventri-cular wall was closed with this patch together. Thepostoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged on the 43rd day after the opera-tion.

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