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我々はすでに,慢性呼吸不全急性増悪期の右心不全に対してProstaglandin E1およびNifedipineの血管拡張剤としての効果を検討し,報告してきたが3〜5),心肺病態におけるプロスタノイドの関与が解明されるにつれ,強い血管拡張作用を有するProstaglandin I2の治療応用が望まれるようになっている。しかしProstag—landin I2は不安定物質であり臨床応用が困難であった。そこで今回,Prostaglandin I2の安定誘導体とされるOP-41483,α-CD(以下,OPと略)を用いて肺性右心不全の循環動態および血液ガスに及ぼす影響とその効果を検討した。
We investigated the effects of continuous intravenous administration (20ng/kg/min) of Prostaglandin I2 stable analogue (OP-41483, -CD) on right ventricular failure in nine patients with acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory failure.
OP-41483, α-CD significantly reduced mean right atrial pressure (12.6±5.2→10.9±5.7mmHg), pulmonary artery mean pressure (42.8±8.7→37.3±8.9mmHg) and total pulmonary vascular resistance (8.2±2.3→6.4±1.5 unit). Therefore the right ventricular preload an afterload were improved. But there was no significant change in cardiac output. In left ventricular function, pulmonary artery wedge pressure (25.8±11.3→17.2±10.0mmHg) and mean artery pressure (85.8±13.0→77.7±12.3mmHg) were reduced mildly, but total systemic vascular resistance was reduced significantly (16.6±4.2→13.4±4.4). Heart rate increased mildly.
In view of oxygenation, Qs/Qt was increased significantly (18.3±13.4→27.9±9.2%) and PaO2, was decreased mildly (84.8±26.4→71.7±15.4 Torr). But, PVO2, was increased significantly (37.3±4.2→39.7±5.2 Torr).

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