

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Effects of Ca2+ on left ventricular contraction and relaxation during acute respiratory alkalosis and acidosis in dogs Haruyuki Kasuda 1 , Reiju Shimizu 1 , Yuriko Yoshizawa 1 , Souzaburou Inoue 1 , Kenzou Nozawa 2 1Department of Anesthesiology, Jichi Medical School 2NEC San-ei Instruments, Ltd pp.1289-1297
Published Date 1987/12/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404205167
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The effects of ionized calcium on left ventricular contraction and relaxation during acute respiratory alkalosis and acidosis have been studied.

Methods : In pentobarbitone-pancuronium anaesthe-tized open chest dogs ventilated using pure oxygen, left ventricular pressure (LVP), first derivative of LVP (dP/dt), and left ventricular end-diastolic pre-ssure (LVEDP) were measured through a catheter tip micromanometer inserted into the cardiac apex. In addition, arterial pressure and electrocardiagram were monitored. As an index of contraction, maxi-mum positive dP/dt ( + dP/dt max), and as an index of relaxation, the time constant (T) were employed,respectively. T is the inverse negative of the slope of the line which is obtained by plotting the natural logarithm of LVP against time, beginning at the time of maximum negative dP/dt to the level of LVEDP. Respiratory alkalosis was obtained by hyper-ventilating the animals until the pH of arterial blood ranged between 7.6 and 7.7. Respiratory acidosis was produced by adding carbon dioxide to the inspi-red oxygen until the arterial blood pH ranged bet-ween 7. 2 and 7. 1. Calcium chloride in a dose of 10 mg・kg-1 was administered intravenously and bloodionized calcium measurements were made according to the haemodynamic changes.

Results : During respiratory alkalosis, the admini-stration of CaCl2 increased ionized calcium from 1.190± 0.050 to 1.762± 0.077 mM (p< O.01), incre-ased + dP/dt max from 2,450±250 to 5,550±740 mmHg ・ sec-1 (p<0.01) and shortened T from 39.2 ± 2.7 to 31.6 ±2.1 msec (p< 0.01) , respectively.During respiratory acidosis, the administration of CaClz increased ionized calcium from 1.304 ± 0.053 to 1.858 ± 0.080 mM (p< 0.01), increased + dP/dt max from 2, 400±210 to 5, 930±810 mmHg ・sec-1 (p < 0.01) and shortened T from 31.6 ±1.3 to 24.5 ± 1.4 msec (p< O.01), respectively.

It was concluded that a clinical dose of ionized calcium augmented both left ventricular contraction and relaxation even during acute respiratory alkalo-sis and acidosis.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


