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To determine the pathophysiological significance of atrial natriuretic polypeptide (α-hANP) in chronic cor pulmonale, we measured the α-hANP concen-trations in arterial blood both during the chronic stable state and during the acute exacerbation, and compared them with the arterial blood gas data, electrocardiograpfic findings, and pulmonary hemo-dynamics in 8 patients with chronic respiratory failure mainly due to old pulmonary tuberculosis. The arterial PO2, arterial PCO2, and α-hANP con-centration during chronic stable state were 73.2±16.6 Torr, 56.8±10.0 Torr, and 48.9±8.2 pg/ml re-spectively. During the acute exacerbation, arterial PO2, arterial PCO2, and α-hANP were 44.4±6.3 Torr, 71.8±19.9 Torr, and 343.4±152. 5 pg/ml re-spectively. The fluctuation of α-hANP was cor-related very well with that of the arterial blood gas data, ECG findings of right ventricular abnormality, and mean pulmonary artery pressure. These results suggest that 1) α-hANP may be secreted to comp-ensate the right ventricular failure due to the increase of pulmonary vascular resistance as sociated with hypoxemia and asidosis during acute exacerba-tion, and also that 2)α-hANP may be a reliable index of right ventricular abnormality during the acute exacerbation of chronic respiratory failure.
Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.