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The present study was undertaken to clarify the effects of ionized calcium on left ventricular con-traction and relaxation during acute hypoxia.
Methods : In pentobarbitone-pancuronium anesthe-tized open chest normoxic dogs, left ventricular pressure (LVP), first derivative of LVP (dP/dt), and left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) were measured through a catheter tip micromanometer inserted into the cardiac apex. In addition, arterial pressure and electrocardiogram were monitored. As an index of contraction, maximum positive dP/dt (+dP/dt max), and as an index of relaxation, the time constant (T) of isovolumic left ventricular pres-sure fall were employed, respectivery. Acute hypoxia was induced by administrating a 5% O2-95% N2 gas mixture, and arterial blood oxygen pressure was maintained between 15 and 20 mmHg. 10 mg/kg of CaCl2 was given as a single bolus intravenously and blood ionized calcium measurements were made ac-cording to the hemodynamic changes.
Results : Arterial blood oxygen tension showed 16.4±0.4 mmHg, arterial blood lactate increased to 43.3±3.1mg/dl and myocardial lactate extraction ratio became negative. Following the administrationof CaCl2, ionized calcium increased from 1.202± 0.031 to 1.808±0.078 mM (p <0.01), + dP/dt max increased from 2,990±390 to 4,630±290 mmHg/sec (p <0.01), and T showed no constant change but tendency of prolongation.
In summary, ionized calcium augmented significan-tly left ventricular contraction during acute hypoxia when myocardial lactate extraction had been con-verted to production, however, its effect was signi-ficantly smaller than during normoxia. In contast to during normoxia, ionized calcium did not shorten T during hypoxia. Under such circumstances, the administration of CaCl2 may induce irreversible myocardial damage, if effective myocardial oxygen-ation would not be achieved.

Copyright © 1988, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.