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本研究の目的は,麻酔開胸犬を用い心外膜保存下と心外膜切開下(以下,心膜保存・心膜切開)において各種の負荷を加え,超音波パルス法9)による左室内径の最大充満速度への影響について検討し,whole heartにおける最大充満速度の関連因子を明らかにすることである。
To assess the determinant factors of peak filling velo-city (Vf) in left ventricule (LV), three types of inter-ventions, i.e. change of preload (saline infusion or vena cava inferior (VCI) occulusion), afterload (nitro-purusside or methoxamine) and contractility (isoprote-renol or propranolol) were performed in anesthetized open chest intact or open pericardium dogs under fixed rate atrial pacing.
Velocity (Vf and peak ejection velocity (Ve)) were measured by direct differentiation of LV internal di-mension which was measured by a pair of ultrasonic crystal probes implanted into the anterior and posterior subendcardial walls. Additionally, pericardiectomy was performed in intact pericardium dogs to assess effect of pericardium on Vf.
Vf was significantly faster than Ve in both groups (p< 0.005). Vf increased after nitroprusside, isoprote-renol and saline infusion, and it decreased after metho-xamine, propranolol and VCI occlusion (p<0.05).
After interventions, percent changes in Vf were linearly related to those in Ve (Pericardium intact ; Vf=0.74*Ve+2.97 r=0.700 p<0.0005, Pericardium open ; Vf=1.08*Ve+0.20 r=0.870 p<0.0005). Vf was also closely related with other ejection factors (systolic excursion (SE), percent fractional shortening and end-systolic dimension (ESD)), but was not so closely rela-ted with relaxation factors (time-constant (T), peak negative dP/dt).
After pericardiectomy, Vf, SE, EDD and ESD in-creased significantly (p< 0.05), but other parameters remained stationary.
The close relationship between Vf and SE suggests that SE is one of determinant factors of Vf.
Change of Vf was susceptible to contractility, and depended on preload and afterload, so the elastic recoil may be associated with LV filling (Vf).
Pericardiectomy increased LV compliance (Vf) and augmented preload (EDD), improving LV pump func-tion (SE).

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